
If you would like to see what i get up to around and about during my working days, follow the link above to my slideshow at Flickr. Lots of pictures to amuse and entertain you, Like these....

When a new bacon butty shop opens, satellite engineers come from miles around...

Two choc ices and a cornet please....

I told you... no close ups.

TV News Reporters, always talking to themselves...

Getting my jollies from a tripod leg....

Which button do i press...?

Feeding the news beast....

Lost in a snowy wilderness....

Hanging around the docks, trying to meet a Matelot....

HMS Ark Royal... Doomed.

I feel ten feet tall....

Filming prison riots. From a distance, natch....

TV News Reporter digs wax from ears.....

Testicles Testicles... 1, 2... Testicles....

ALL pictures are copyright Paul Martin / Media Attention Ltd. Copy them, and i will hunt you down with a hammer.